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How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship with a Recovering Addict

He enjoys blogging and is a contributing writer for Being that many of the aforementioned traits rest within the individual, it would suggest that people either have the ability to be resilient or not, ignoring the importance of a support system. In addition, this view doesn’t allow for the relationships in recovery idea of change; however, we can be resilient at some points and not in others. Walsh (2016) notes that most early research on resilience involves the search to identify individual traits. This work has shown that an easy temperament and high intelligence, though not necessary for one to be resilient, can certainly help.

how to engage in supportive relationships in recovery

Relationships in early recovery are also inadvisable because many mental health professionals fear that you are replacing one pleasure-seeking habit with another one. Making connections with other people during the recovery process can help define a new chapter in your life. For example, it could be an opportunity to repair any relationships hurt by past substance use.

Office of Addiction Services and Supports

Attend support groups or couples therapy to enhance relationship dynamics. We cannot emphasize strongly enough that recovery from addiction is gradual and not necessarily linear. Indeed, it’s only by adopting this strategy that you’ll enable yourself to act as the rock your loved one needs right now. This isn’t easy, and it requires that you take accountability and look at the things you did that you aren’t proud of. If you try to avoid these situations, you’re not going to rebuild from a place of honesty. Visit the zoo or aquarium, or get tickets to a concert or sports game for you and your partner to enjoy.

how to engage in supportive relationships in recovery

If you are in early recovery, you might have trouble interpreting what a healthy relationship looks like. Perhaps in the past, you spent almost every moment with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe you also said “yes” to all of their requests to keep them happy.


12-step groups, offered in inpatient and outpatient rehab facilities, build community for individuals getting treatment for substance use disorders. These groups can be safe spaces to bond with a like-minded peer group. Some facilities have aftercare programs, which provide social activities for patients in facilities. Maintaining healthy relationships requires establishing and respecting boundaries. It’s important to communicate our needs, limitations, and triggers to our loved ones. Setting boundaries protects our well-being and prevents potential conflicts.

People who are codependent, engage in enabling behavior, or instill fear within you will not be beneficial to your recovery. Spending time with the wrong people may put you in harmful situations where your sobriety is tested. Unhealthy relationships can bring on unwanted stress, triggering cravings and negative thinking as well as self-doubt and resentment—all the necessary ingredients to make you vulnerable to relapse. The Office of Recovery was established to evaluate and initiate policy, programs and services with a recovery focus and ensure the voices of individuals in recovery are represented. The Office will support the growth and expansion of recovery support services across the country.

Recovery apps

An addiction support network can help you cope with triggers that could potentially lead to relapse, promote a greater sense of wellbeing, and make you feel more empowered in recovery. Being able to lean on loved ones, peers, and professionals is crucial. In recovery, avoiding stress as much as possible is essential for healing.

  • Between 40% and 60% of those engaging with addiction treatment will relapse at least once.
  • Caring about, living with, or loving a person with an addictive disease can be challenging.
  • These changes can shatter trust and create a lot of negative emotional experiences in your relationships.
  • If this is the case with your friends, recovery may seem like a threat to them.

Remember to seek support when needed and implement strategies for maintaining healthy relationships. If you or someone you know is seeking professional guidance and support on their recovery journey, consider reaching out to Another Chance Rehab in Portland, OR. Take the next step towards lasting recovery and nurturing meaningful relationships.

By 2003, individuals who had been advocating for recovery-based care found their work paying off. A mental health commission appointed by President George W. Bush gave the final report of its work and made recovery-based care a national priority. It envisioned a future that focused on the prevention, early detection, and cure of mental illness. The hallmark principle of the recovery model of mental health is the belief that people can recover from mental illness to lead full, satisfying lives. Until the mid-1970s, many practitioners believed that patients with mental health conditions were doomed to live with their illness forever and would not be able to contribute to society. If you’re receiving mental health services or have a loved one with a mental health condition, knowing the basic tenets of this model can help you advocate for the best care.

  • Today, the concept of the recovery model is familiar to most mental health practitioners.
  • The recovery model of mental health takes a holistic view of a person’s life.
  • These experiences can lead to increased family stress, guilt, shame, anger, fear, anxiety, loss, grief, and isolation.
  • Encourage individual growth and pursue personal interests while staying connected and engaged with your loved ones.

Take time to work on your recovery, find meaningful activities, and build yourself a fulfilling life in sobriety. When the weight of unsupportive friends starts to feel too heavy, don’t be afraid to take a break to focus and rededicate your efforts. Meanwhile, the individual may begin to experience alterations in their personality as a result of their substance abuse.

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