Seek and you shall find.....

Ой, у лузі червона калина

Ой у лузі червона калина похилилася,
Чогось наша славна Україна зажурилася.
А ми тую червону калину підіймемо,
А ми нашу славну Україну, гей, гей, розвеселимо!

Марширують наші добровольці у кривавий тан
Визволяти братів-українців з ворожих кайдан.
А ми наших братів-українців визволимо,
А ми нашу славну Україну, гей, гей, розвеселимо!

Не хилися, червона калино, маєш білий цвіт.
Не журися, славна Україно, маєш вільний рід.
А ми тую червону калину підіймемо,
А ми нашу славну Україну, гей, гей, розвеселимо!

Гей, у полі ярої пшениці золотистий лан,
Розпочали стрільці українські з ворогами тан!
А ми тую ярую пшеницю ізберемо,
А ми нашу славну Україну, гей, гей, розвеселимо!

Як повіє буйнесенький вітер з широких степів,
Та й прославить по всій Україні січових стрільців.
А ми тую стрілецькую славу збережемо,
А ми нашу славну Україну, гей, гей, розвеселимо!

Слава Украине!!!

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Bank & NBFCs

Our management of our clients’ Business Process Services combines strong technology expertise, including back-end architecture development, data management and advanced analytics. Building our own proprietary quality management module for managing the quality of our interactions has given us a competitive advantage. Rewiring processes for speed and efficiency, adapting to an ecosystem of clients, their customers & our team members enables us to deliver agile operations, helping both our clients and their customers.

Debt Management - Collections
Lead Generation
Digital Sales
Verification & Onboarding
Help Desk

E-commerce, Telecom, Hospitality, FMCG & Paints

Our management of our clients’ Business Process Services combines strong technology expertise, including back-end architecture development, data management and advanced analytics. Building our own proprietary quality management module for managing the quality of our interactions has given us a competitive advantage. Rewiring processes for speed and efficiency, adapting to an ecosystem of clients, their customers & our team members enables us to deliver agile operations, helping both our clients and their customers.

Lead generation
Digital Sales
Verification & Onboarding
Customer Service
Order Booking

Healthcare Services

Our management of our clients’ Business Process Services combines strong technology expertise, including back-end architecture development, data management and advanced analytics. Building our own proprietary quality management module for managing the quality of our interactions has given us a competitive advantage. Rewiring processes for speed and efficiency, adapting to an ecosystem of clients, their customers & our team members enables us to deliver agile operations, helping both our clients and their customers.

Lead Generation
Digital Sales
Customer Service
Field Support


Our management of our clients’ Business Process Services combines strong technology expertise, including back-end architecture development, data management and advanced analytics. Building our own proprietary quality management module for managing the quality of our interactions has given us a competitive advantage. Rewiring processes for speed and efficiency, adapting to an ecosystem of clients, their customers & our team members enables us to deliver agile operations, helping both our clients and their customers.

Lead Generation
Digital Sales
Pre-issuance & Welcome
Persistency Management
Renewals & Retention
Service Desk
Channel Support
Field Fulfillment